| Vasundhara Day 7 September 2024 | | Vasundhara Day 7 September 2024 | | Vasundhara Day 7 September 2024 | | Vasundhara Day 7 September 2024 | | Vasundhara Day 7 September 2024 | | Vasundhara Day 7 September 2024 | | Vasundhara Day 7 September 2024 |
About Satyug Darshan

Satyug Darshan
Trust Foundation

Satyug Darshan Trust was founded and registered as a Public Trust on 12th July 1995 with the objective of alleviating physical, mental and spiritual sufferings of humanity. Since its inception Trust has undertaken various activities to fulfill its charter which is to infuse consciousness, fraternity and love for humanity by all possible means.

Fountain of Knowledge

Today human mind has lost the awareness of one’s own identity and potential and is deeply mired in deadly vices like lust, anger, greed, delusion, pride, etc. This is evident from the current sad state of society which depicts that Kaliyuga is at its peak and is about to retreat. There is an urgent need to uplift society from its present deteriorated state of society so that they leave the path of falsehood and are compelled to tread selflessly on the path of truthfulness.

To achieve this, every human being should be imparted with the knowledge and skill of Equanimity and Even Sightedness from very childhood. This will ensure the functioning of our thoughts, speech, and action according to the established rule of conduct, the basic principle of which is “Even Vision One Philosophy”. Such self-aware beings will be able to live blissfully, thereby establishing peace. Through weekly Satsang, kirtans, etc. the trust aims to knit “Humanity in Harmony”.

Trust Initiatives

Working selflessly towards alleviating the physical, mental, and spiritual sufferings of humanity through all facets

Harbinger of Peace

Through various spheres, the trust volunteers are working selflessly and tirelessly for alleviating the physical, mental, and spiritual sufferings of humanity. The Trust has taken initiatives in the following verticals for restoring peace and harmony amongst humanity.


Trust has established its school and college to impart value-based education.

Spiritual Well-being

Dhyan Kaksh and Humanity Olympiad are steps to educate society about spiritual knowledge.


17 operational Kala Kendras have been established to develop good physical, social and moral health through music and dance.

Social Welfare

16 operational charitable dispensaries and various charity drives.

  • Teach at Dhyan-Kaksh
  • Conduct workshop in Kala Kendra
  • Hold Medical Camps/ See patients in the Dispensaries
  • Sponsor a Student
  • Sponsor Medicines
  • Sponsor Events

” The day is about to come when ‘Kalyug’ will retreat
That day is about to come ‘Sajanji’, that day is about to come”

– Satvastu ka Kudarati Granth