Trust Deed

Deed of Declaration of Public Trust

This Deed of Declaration of Public Charitable Trust is executed this day of July 12, 1995 by Smt. Rashma Gandhi aged about 50 years and wife of Shri Jawahar Lal Gandhi and Residing
at House No.677, Sector-16 Faridabad is as under :-
Where as, I have hereby set a para irrevocably a sum of Rs. 501/- (Rupees Five Hundred and One only by Cheque No. 018516 Dt. 5.7.95 drawn on State Bank India, New Delhi Main Branch constituting
Turst Fund and handed over the same to the trustees mentioned below and the said amount of contribution has been accepted by the trustees and will be held by them as initial trust fund.
The following, are the particulars of the trustees:-

  • Smt. Rashma Gandhi W/o Sh. Jawahar Lal Gandhi aged 50 years R/o 677. Sector 16, Faridabad.
  • Sh. Asa Nand Sehgal, S/o Sh. Kaura Ram Sehgal aged 73 years R/o L-20, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi
  • Sh. Anish Vij S/o Sh. Bal Kishan Vij aged 26 years R/o 14-B/73, West Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi
  • Sh. Om Parkash Khattar S/o Sh. Mukand Lal Khattar aged 66 years R/o A-1/29, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi.
  • Sh. Sunil Kumar Sachdeva S/o Sh. Bahadur Chand Sachdeva aged 39 years R/o H.No. 124/58, Subhash Nagar, Shahabad (M) Distt. Kurukshetra.

And whereas it has became necessary to declare the objects and terms of the public Charitable Trust, now this deed of declaration of SATYUG DARSHAN TRUST witnesses as under :-

  • The name of the trust shall be SATYUG DARSHAN TRUST and its office shall be for the present, at House No.677, Sec-16 Faridabad and at such other place or places as the trustees herein may decide from time to time.
  • Smt. Rashma Gandhi shall be designated as Managing Trustee; and she will remain managing trustees through-out her life.
  • The object of the Trust shall be as under :-
    • To disseminate teaching of all religions, to conduct and arrange Satsang, to infuse consciousness, fraternity and love for the humanity, to arrange and celebrate religious festivals, to work for overall spiritual upliftment of all and for achieving these objects, to print and publish magazines, Journals and other literature.
    • To establish, run or manage Public Libraries, Reading Room, Teaching & Research Centres in the form of Schools or Colleges, Sports and other organisations.
    • To establish, Open, run or manage Dispensaries, Hospitals, Medical Camps etc. for providing medical relief for the General Masses.
    • To alleviate physical, Mental and spiritual sufferings of the humanity by all possible means through education or otherwise.
    • Advancement of any other object of general public utility not involving the carrying on of any activity for profit as the law may regard as Public Charitable purpose.
    • To purchase or to acquire on lease any land or building or to construct any building any where in India for carrying out above objects.
    • To raise or collect funds by donations, gifts, grants or endowment for the aforesaid objects.
    • To do such acts, deeds and things as may be incidental or conductive to the furtherance’s of the above objects.
    • The board of trustees will be assisted by a managing committee, to be nominated by managing trustee.
  • (A) Any trustee may at any time resign his office or Trusteeship by giving three months notice in writing to the Board of Trustees whereupon after the expiry of such period he shall be deemed to have vacated his office.
  • (B) REMOVAL OF TRUSTEES :- The trustees may with two-third of their majority, remove any of their trustee (s) provided a prior fifteen days notice in writing of and intention to remove that trustee has been given to him. A trustee
    shall be deemed to have vacated his office on the happening of following events :-
    1. Death.
    2. Becomes incapable to act.
    3. Adjudicated as insolvent.
    4. Convicted for criminal offence involving moral aptitude.
    5. Continuosly absents from 4 Board Meetings.
  • (C) The board of trustees can appoint new trustees as decided by them by majority.


  • (A) The board of Trustees shall meet at least four times in a year.
  • (B) The minimum quorum at such meeting shall be three.
  • (C) The trustees, if they are not able to reach unanimity, shall take decision by majority vote.
  • (D) In the event of a tie, the managing trustee shall have a casting vote.
  • (E) The resolutions passed at the meeting of Board of Trustees shall be duly recorded in the Minute Book with the signature of the Trustees present in that meeting.

7) POWER :-

  • (A) The trustees may accept either unconditionally or upon such conditions as are not inconsistent with the objects and purposes of the trust, subscriptions and donations of money and/or property movable or immovable and/or other assets
    for the purposes and use of the trust.
  • (B) Subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act, the trustees may accumulate whole or part of any such income including donations received from the public for carrying out the objects of the Trust or may subsequently utilize the same for such purposes.
  • (C) Any donation received from the public with specific directions that it shall form part of corpus of the Trust shall not be spent by Trustees and shall be credited to the special Trust Fund Account of the Trust. The trustees may invest the Trust Funds in such form as may be required under the Income Tax Act. Or other laws in India from time to time. The income from the investment is to be used for the objects of the Trust.
  • D) The Trustees may sell, exchange, surrender, give up, mortgage, charge, pledge, divide or dispose of any trust property movable or immovable and to give or receive any money equivalent to their value PROVIDED THAT the above transfer is for carrying out the purpose and objects of the Trust and is not inconsistent therewith.
  • (E) The Trustees may open a Bank Account or several such account and shall have full borrowings powers for the purposes of objects of trust PROVIDED THAT the said account or accounts shall be maintained in the name of the Trust or in the name of Institution being operated as per the objects of the trust. The above Bank Account (s) shall be operated by any Two persons as authorised in the resolutions passed by the Board of Trustees from time to time.
  • (F) The receipt of money by the Trustees of the sale proceeds of any property, hereby authorized to be sold or any moneys paid to them in lieu of their transfer of any shares, stocks, funds of securities shall effectually discharge the person or persons paying the same and from being answerable for the loss or misappropriation thereof by Trustees.
  • (G) No trustee purporting to execution of the Trust and powers of those presents shall be liable for any loss not attributable to his dishonesty or to the willful commission or omission by him or any act which commission or omission is known to constitute a breach of Trust.
  • (H) The Trustees may reimburse themselves out of the Trust property all expenses that may have been incurred by them in or about the execution of the Trust.

The Board of Trustees shall keep or cause to be kept proper books of Account in which all receipts and expenditure relating to the Trust shall be entered and such books shall be got yearly audited from a Chartered Accountant.

The Board of Trustees shall frame rules and regulations for the administration and management of the Trust property and from time to time add, alter or modify such rules and regulations in lieu thereof PROVIDED THAT the said decisions shall be taken by not less than two third of the number of Trustees constituting the Board of Trustees.

10) The Trustees by majority may name eminent persons who may be otherwise eligible to the appointment of the office of Trusteeship to be the Chief Patron, Advisor (s), Legal Advisor (s) and financial consultants or may invite person (s) of repute as special invitee (s) to any of their meeting. The Trustees shall consider the advise tendered by these persons who shall have no right to vote in the meeting of BOARD. These persons shall enjoy their respective positions at the pleasure of the Trustees. Any dignatory may be appointed Chief Patron, Advisor or consultant by virtue of the position and office held by him and such a person shall cease to be the Chief Patron, Advisor or consultant on his laying down office but the trustees shall be at liberty to reappoint or renominate him at their pleasure.

11) If any clause herein above contained, contravenes any of the provisions of the Income-Tax Act or rules or amendements made therein from time to time, granting exemption of Income/Registration, then such clauses (s) shall be deemed to be redundant from the date of its contravention.

12) That no object should be carried out for making any profit.

13) That upon dissolution of the Trust or Trust being wound up under any circumstances, the funds and properties of the trust, whether movable or immovable shall not be distributed amongst the Founders of Trustees at all but shall be transferred to Trust Institution or Association having same or similar objects.

14) That this trust is irrevocable.

That IN WITNESS WHERE OF the parties here to set their respective hands this day and year first here in above written. SETTLOR :(SMT. RASHMO RANI GANDHI)


  • Smt. Rashmo Rani Gandhi
  • Sh. H. C. Munjal
  • Sh. S.K. Sachdeva
  • Sh. Nitin Minocha
  • Sh. Dinesh Dua

Drafted by :- O.P. Gaur, Advocate Faridabad